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ITD Love The World Initiative

The ITD World Love the World Initiative (LWI) manifests our vision to make the world a better place by adding tremendous value to the community. It is here that our knowledge, wisdom, and expertise are given freely for all to benefit. All the materials, readings, and solutions here are provided at no cost to you. We do this because our profound desire is to help you live your best life.

A key driver in the ITD Love the World Initiative is our CEO Dr Peter Chee. He passionately volunteers to coach leaders with his signature Sunrise Eureka Beach Coaching (SEBC) every week. Global leaders from USA, Mexico, Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia have benefited from SEBC. Under the ITD Love the World initiative, Peter drives the 100 million leaders mandate to provide fully sponsored coaching programs in every country for better world.


ITD World love the world initiative

This mandate flows from ITD World’s vision as the #1 coaching and leadership development partner. We are committed to touch the lives of 100million leaders through complimentary coaching and leadership development programs which enables people to become more effective coaching leaders. Programs under the 100million Leaders Mandate are currently being developed. Subscribe to our Let’s Coach Rapid Results newsletter to stay notified of the latest developments.

Start exploring various topics on leadership, talent development, coaching, and mentoring at the Expert Insights page. This comprehensive collection gathers the best practices, how-tos, deep-dives, and coaching tools in the industry for you to use and benefit from.

Let’s Coach Rapid Results is ITD World’s newsletter focusing on developing and enhancing coaching competences to build coaching leaders the world over. This newsletter is emailed to all our subscribers once every two weeks and contains resources developed to enable better leaders for a better world. Click on the logo to get on the mailing list for empowering your leadership for greater heights.

Let’s Coach is ITD World’s thrust into offering coaching on a digital platform. This is a coaching app where you can use to coach yourself or to coach others. The app is created in collaboration with World #1 Executive Coach Dr Marshall Goldsmith to trigger creative and innovative thinking for addressing issues in work and life. Discover the power of coaching at your fingertips with Let’s Coach.

ITD World is constantly evolving to meet the needs for talent development, one being the Certified Chief Master Coach (CCMC) which is our flagship program. CCMC alumni have started the Let’s Coach Live!Master Class segment where experts and gurus deliver their wisdom live on social media.

The schedules for these live screenings will be posted on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages as well as our YouTube channel. That is where we also regularly share inspiring insights in leadership, coaching, and talent development, as well as the latest developments at ITD World, so click that “like” and “follow” button to stay in the know. All videos are available for free on ITD World’s YouTube channel. Check out the playlist.

Following upon the app is the creation of the Let’s Coach Community. These are groups created on Facebook and LinkedIn for uplifting everyone with the power of coaching with the Let’s Coach app.

ITD World uses the group to share powerful articles, videos and podcasts to further encourage members on their journey towards love, happiness and success. You can also share your story of transformation there so others can learn and benefit from your inspiring experience.

All members are free to submit their stories, but ITD World reserves the right to choose what is allowed to be posted to ensure a safe community for everyone. Join the community today and Let’s Coach the world and make it a better place!

Love and nurture are two of the core values ITD World constantly practices. We are actively involved in the Kami Prihatin (Kampri) effort at Universiti SainsMalaysia (USM). The main focus of Kampri is to provide life coaching to university students from humble backgrounds.

Students are given life coaching, as well as assistance in building up their conversational English, during the sessions. The coaching is dedicated to help them achieve their highest potential so they can excel in life, school, and their future careers.

Many coaches in Kampri are graduates of ITD World’s Certified Coaching and Mentoring Professional (CCMP) program. They come from a wide range of professional expertise and have deep experience in life and work so their insights and wisdom are used to benefit those being coached.

Heading the Campus Coaching effort by ITD World is Senior Director Kathleen Ong, who recruits volunteer coaches for this initiative. Meanwhile, ITD World consultant Bud Vadale coordinates the activities and schedules of the coaches. Feel free to drop us an email at if you are interested to volunteer as a coach to help create a better world for our current and future generations.


Let’s Coach Golden Years 


Let’s Coach Golden Years is spearheaded by ITD World CEO Dr Peter Chee to meet the challenges of an aging society. Many leaders post-retirement feel lost. Even though they still possess the knowledge to get things done, the wisdom for effective execution, the networks to be leveraged upon, and the desire to contribute, many do not know where to begin. This initiative is envisioned to support leaders in building their legacy (link to #1) at work to empower their golden years for lasting impact.



The purpose for this initiative is simple. It is to help senior and top leaders create a master plan that enables peak performance, a fulfilling retirement, and maximizing value to the community. People who focus on building relevance and visibility beyond professional achievements themselves for a fulfilling and meaningful life in their senior years. Let’s Coach Golden Years equips you with the tools to achieve this goal.

Strategic Approach


The approach for this initiative encompasses five key areas (link to #1). These are establishing a clear vision, leading with purpose, developing future leaders, cultivating a high-performance coaching culture, and amplifying your influence through thought leadership. Each of these builds upon your existing successes and guide you towards new horizons of personal and professional fulfilment.

Personalized Coaching & Mentoring


Those selected for this initiative get the golden opportunity to be coached and mentored by #1 Strategic Innovation Coach Dr Peter Chee. He voluntary offers personalized coaching session. Conversations with him can delve into your aspirations, challenges, and opportunities for growth. These sessions provide space for reflection, journaling, and strategic planning. Together with Peter, you craft a master plan that drives you to continue making an impact even after retirement.

Mentorship Opportunities


Let’s Coach Golden Years is also a community building initiative based on the concept of paying it forward. Participants who undergo coaching and mentoring with Peter are strongly encouraged to share their wisdom and experience with others in this initiative. Your sharing helps others to grow and increase your visibility and influence among people outside your immediate circle. This aids you in building up thought leadership as you move into new circles. A broader engagement allows you to showcase your leadership skills and approaches to a broader audience. You also experience the benefit of extending your professional influence even as you transition from active corporate roles to advisory or consultancy functions.

Sharing Your Journey


Part of the process in this initiative is being given the chance to share what you have learned. Selected participants can have the chance to be engaged in ITD World’s conferences or programs as speakers, trainers, or contributing articles and videos. ITD World is happy to provide our platform to amplify your voice to inspire, educate, and advocate to others the importance of being purposeful in preparing for retirement.

Let’s Coach Golden Years is dedicated to ensuring that your golden years can be as fruitful as your time in corporate positions. This is an golden opportunity for profound influence and fulfilment. Book a complimentary consultation with us with the remark “Golden Years” to redefine retirement and transform your