Category: Expert Insights

Create Strategies And Action Plans For Goals

Create Strategies And Action Plans For Goals A key step after helping others is working to set out the strategies and action steps to execute in achieving the goals....

Establish Goal Ownership And Commitment

Establish Goal Ownership And Commitment There can be occasions that a coaching conversation is so enjoyable for both parties that the part about setting goals and actions for execution...

The Situational Coaching Model

The Situational Coaching Model TheSITUATIONAL COACHING MODELfor Agile & Effective Communications Situational Coaching Model (SCM)  Situational Coaching Model (SCM) – The Mind 1: G – Goals Paradigm2: E – Exploration...

The Coaching Principles for Breakthrough Success

The Coaching Principles for Breakthrough Success The Coaching Principles for Breakthrough Success The Coaching Principles (TCP) comprises 30 best practices all effective coaches should practice and hone to deliver...

Use The Power Of Simplicity

Use The Power Of Simplicity The power of simplicity can often be overlooked in a coaching conversation. There may be the tendency for leaders to focus so much on...

Get Consent Before Giving Suggestions

Get Consent Before Giving Suggestions A coaching conversation is about drawing out the solutions from the coachee. This is why many coaches refrain from giving their suggestions, even though,...

Awareness and Acceptance Cultivates Transformation

Awareness and Acceptance Cultivates Transformation By Dr Peter Chee and Dr Jack Canfield A coaching leader is in the best position to change people’s lives for the better by helping them...

Embrace Feedback To Truimph

Embrace Feedback To Truimph By Dr Peter Chee and Dr Jack Canfield Listening to people giving feedback may be a jarring experience. Getting an impromptu, or unasked for, mini-performance...

Asking Great Questions Requires Practice

Asking Great Questions Requires Practice By Dr Peter Chee and Dr Jack Canfield Some of the more common mistakes made when asking questions includes asking judgmental and advice-oriented questions,...

Maintain Authentic Rapport and Humor

Maintain Authentic Rapport and Humor By Dr Peter Chee and Dr Jack Canfield An excellent coaching relationship is built on maintaining authentic rapport between the coach and the coachee....