Accountability Drives Accomplishments

There are times during a coaching relationship when people don’t deliver on what they committed to execute. What can you do during those coaching conversations where the coachee appears uninterested in implementing the actions? The first thing is to avoid judgmental and advise-oriented questions and overcome the instinct to be harsh on the coachee.

Sustainable accountability is not inflicted, it is voluntary.

– Jack Canfield and Peter Chee

By quickly exiting a judgmental frame of mind, you are now more open to discovering the cause of the lack of movement. You are enabled to ask questions to discover what happened. Here is a list of questions you can use if you encounter such a situation during your coaching sessions.

1. What happened?
2. Is this still important to you?
3. If it’s still important, do you still want to do it?
4. What would it take for you to get it done?
5. What help do you need? Who can you ask for that help?
6. What benefits would you be enjoying when you get this completed?
7. Are you willing to recommit to getting this done?
8. By when would you like to have this completed?

These questions allow the coach to explore what is keeping people away from their commitments. For example, if the coachee says that the task is no longer important, then move the coaching conversation to find out what is important and get a commitment to complete the newly discovered important task instead. The fourth question can help you find out if your coachee is feeling unsupported or needs more support. From their response, you can intuit what the gaps are which have caused the loss in commitment and formulate questions to help them get back on track.

Coaching breeds accountability and accountability breeds accomplishments.

– Jack Canfield and Peter Chee

Leaders and coaches who follow up on the commitments of their coaches are not being intrusive. It’s about holding people accountable for their own decisions. There is no need to coerce them, but when they slack off, help them get back on track as soon as possible.
An effective method for keeping people accountable is to help them identify accountability partners they can partner with. Briefly, these are people who support others to keep their commitments towards goal achievement. They are the ones who assist the person in staying the course towards love, happiness, and success in abundance. Effective accountability partners are those who can be relied upon and who have the courage not to let your coachee neglect what is important. Healthy accountability is a proactive commitment to encourage and empower people to accomplish what they have set out to do.



  1. WHAT makes accountability a powerful driver for accomplishments?
  2. WHAT are some things to consider when helping others be accountable to their commitments?
  3. WHAT can you do if your coachee is not keeping to commitments?
  4. HOW can you ensure your coachee identifies the correct accountability partner to partner with?
  5. WHAT can you do to ensure your coachee willingly be accountable to what they commit to?


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