Dr Sheh


  • Certified in teaching for higher education in Singapore
  • Certified trainer for Confucius Institute of NTU, Singapore
  • Doctorate degree in Transformational Leadership from Masstricht School of Management, the Netherlands
  • Adjunct Research Fellow for University of South Australia (until 2019) supervising doctoral candidates
  • Authored 10 books and over 100 article/journal/conference papers
  • Academic journal reviewers for management papers
areas of expertise
  • Management lecturer for tertiary institutions
  • Management consultant specializing in family business and change management
  • Lecturing and supervising post-graduate management students at Master and Doctoral levels
  • Social Science Researcher focusing on Chinese values, Chinese management and organisational practices, Family Management, Chinese classical and contemporary leadership, Change Management
  • Management Journal reviewer
  • Seminar and workshop speaker for private and public institution
  • Conference speaker both locally and abroad (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea and China)

DR SHEH was a lecturer in Singapore for over 25 years. Currently, he is an Associate for Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) lecturing Organizational Behaviour and Management courses. In addition, SHEH is serving Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) Global Education as associate lecturer for the following foreign universities:

  1. RMIT, Australia (since 2003): lecturing on Market Research and Macroeconomics
  2. La Trobe University, Australia (since 2019): lecturing on Entrepreneurship
  3. University of Birmingham, UK (since 2019): conducting MBA and MSc. dissertation workshop

He was the Research Consultant for a higher learning institution in Singapore between 2002 and 2011. He is the Adjunct Research Fellow for University of South Australia and had successfully supervised 18 doctorate students from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and China between 2002 and 2019.

He served as an internal Management Consultant cum Trainer of a shipping and resource-based conglomerate in Indonesia and Singapore between 1994-1996, and between 2007 and 2010. In addition, he reviews articles for academic journals. He is the Editorial Board member for Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Journal, UK and Reviewer of World Journal of Economic and Finance, Premier Publisher.

He provides training and conducts seminar on leadership, supervisory, managerial, and research design. He was a Seminar Speaker for the Confucius Institute of Nanyang Technology University.

He was a Change Management consultant for a Chinese business conglomerate in Indonesia for several years. He also served as an Organizational Behaviour and Management Consultant with one of the ‘big six’ auditing and consulting firms in Malaysia. He had been a financier-cum-banker for 8 years in Malaysia as a financial analyst.

Over the past 25 years, he published 10 books (mostly available at Amazon and Kindle) and over 100 articles, journals, and conference papers.