When we grow others we grow ourselves

Coaching principle 6

By Dr Peter Chee and Dr Jack Canfield

A key to excellent self-development is developing people. When we grow others, we grow ourselves is a huge benefit in helping people grow. By continuously transforming and driving people towards growth, coaches are also constantly improving their skills and techniques to unlock the potential of the people. This growth happens before, during and after the coaching conversations.

Before a session, you find out about your coachee’s situation and prepare accordingly to obtain a fruitful outcome. While coaching, you practice your skills and get hands-on experience. After the session, you reflect to discover areas you can improve to make a bigger impact in future sessions.

This tremendous learning cycle repeats itself over and over, providing you with endless learning opportunities to get better and better. As you gain in confidence and skills, your coaching practice and conversations becomes more impactful and powerful.

These gains also flow into other areas of your work and life. You become a better leader, a better colleague, a better spouse, a better friend, and a better parent while refining your coaching competencies. In this way, your relationships with people around you grows richer.

When we push others down, we can’t help but push ourselves down. When we bring others up, we can’t help but bring ourselves up

– Jack Canfield and Peter Chee

The higher the impact you have as a leader, the better you can position your organization for business results. This is what Jeff experience after he
made the commitment to coach his direct reports. As a business owner of a chain of sporting goods stores, he wanted to ensure sustainable
long-term operations.

By empowering his people and enhancing their leadership through coaching, he not only developed himself, but also grew his people who went on
to grow the organization. A key improvement was reducing the turnover of staff. Through coaching, staff felt more engaged and appreciated for
their efforts. They felt they had a role to play in ensuring good business results for the organization.

The breakthrough came when Jeff was introduced to the speed agility coaching tool on the Let’s Coach app when he attended one of our workshops to get certified
as a coach. Amazed at how fast the tool could be used to get coaching conversations going and completed, he deployed it in his organization and
reaped the benefits.

Jeff did not stop there; he continued to learn and adopt coaching best practices and techniques on his journey to embed a coaching culture in his
organization. Among the powerful methods he picked up included:

  1. Changing mindsets and habits
  2. Overcoming limiting beliefs
  3. Building stronger self-esteem
  4. Discovering life purpose and vision
  5. Using visualizations and affirmations
  6. Setting effective strategies, goals, tactics, and action plans

Jeff utilized all these in his coaching conversations. He also realized that these methods translated effectively into his personal life too. He began to coach friends and family in his spare time so they could experience for themselves the impact coaching has. By driving others to grow, Jeff was also growing himself too.

“The gist of it,” he says, “was that through practicing coaching principles and techniques, I had learned how to motivate, support and encourage people from deep within, and they felt important, capable and cared for instead of being manipulated by me.

“I also now know how to raise people’s self-esteem and ask powerful questions that help people create self-awareness coupled with a strong willingness to change their mindsets for better achievements. I believe that this is just the beginning, and I am committed to continue coaching and to learning more coaching techniques because I see worthwhile gains to the people I coach.

My experience of becoming a coach has radically changed me for the better and as long as I am still alive, I wish to continue coaching,” he shared with us in a catch-up session.

A leader who effectively coaches others grow his or her people. When that happens, they produce better results; this in turn brings the organization to a higher level of success. By coaching many in the organization, they see the great value that occurs, this motivates them to become coaches too. This creates a multiplier effect that often goes beyond those who report directly to the leader. It helps create a culture of coaching and leadership excellence throughout the whole organization.

We know from our own experience that our involvement in coaching has significantly shaped our lives for the better. Growing others and growing ourselves goes hand in hand.



  1. WHAT makes coaching such a powerful process for self-development?
  2. WHAT are things you can do before, during, and after a coaching session to gain a fruitful outcome?
  3. WHAT resources can you use to grow your coaching capabilities?
  4. WHAT is the one key coaching technique you need to improve on to create a bigger impact?
  5. HOW can you do to ensure people do not feel overwhelmed by the coaching assignments?


GLTC The Global Leadership Team Conference 2023: Thriving Sustainably address the challenge for people and organizations to strike a balance between business growth and personal fulfilment to thrive sustainably. Facing this challenge requires transformational shifts in mindsets, habits, and behaviors.

The Conference welcomes three distinguished gurus – World #1 Executive Coach Marshall Goldsmith, World #1 Strategic Innovation Coach Peter Chee, and World #1 Leadership Branding Guru Brenda Bence – who will share their wisdom and insight across three thriving cities on how people and organizations can thrive sustainably in an uncertain future.

Discover more about this profound Conference at https://itdworld.com/gltc/ and register now to save your place this October. See you then!

The Global Center for Coaching Excellence (GCCE) is one of ITD World’s flagship initiatives to empower leaders for coaching and mentoring greatness globally.

The GCCE synergizes the most cutting-edge and impactful coaching and mentoring solutions, programs, and resources in one place. The mandate
is to impart the highest standard of professionally curated coaching, mentoring, and leadership wisdom for people who aspire to be outstanding
coaching leaders, and profoundly impact the lives of many.