Certificate in Advance Coaching and Mentoring (CACM)

The Certificate in Advance Coaching and Mentoring (CACM) program builds upon the foundations laid in the Certificate in Performance Coaching (CPC) program. Completion of the CPC and CACM paves the way for the Certified Coaching and Mentoring Professional (CCMP) program. The Certified Coaching & Mentoring Professional program is one of the only truly international courses in Asia that is recognized by International Coach Federation (ICF), the world’s leading professional non-profit body for coaching & approved for 83 Specific Coach Training Hours. Mentoring, coaching and growing people is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding work of a lifetime”.

In collaboration with four of ITD World’s Top Mega Gurus
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Peter Chee


#1 Coach for Strategic Innovation awarded by Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

Creator of the Coaching for Breakthrough Success Meta Model & The Situational Coaching Model

Thomas G. Crane


World-renowned International Coaching Guru

Best-Selling Author and Consultant

Jack Canfield


World’s Top Guru on Success & Peak Performance

Guinness Book of World Records for Most Books on NY Times Best Sellers List

William J. Rothwell


Best Selling Author of Over 150 HR & Management Books

World Renowned Consultant & Professor

CACM Program Map
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coaching course roadmap
Who Should Attend?
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This program is suitable for individuals who need to lead and develop others in both private and public sectors including CEOs, Directors, Senior Executives and Managers plus those seeking to develop the competencies to be a coaching and mentoring professional.

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essential mentoring skills

Key Objectives

At the end of the course, you will be able to apply the six essential mentoring techniques in any mentoring opportunity or situation.


  • Provide examples of mentoring categories and formats and identify their advantages and drawbacks.
  • Describe mentoring and differentiate it from coaching.
  • Explain the concepts of mentor and mentee readiness and how they can impact a mentoring relationship.
  • Describe the 3-phase mentoring relationship framework and apply key Power Relationship skills.
  • State the objectives and benefits of mentoring.
  • Craft Power Goals in collaboration with mentee, and generate customized, fact-based advice to help mentee achieve them.
  • Describe the 4-stage modeling framework and apply Power Modeling techniques to facilitate mentee’s learning.
  • Practice Power Reflection and draw key learning points from the mentor’s experiences or education.
  • Apply Power Stories in mentoring situations that lead to insight or inspiration.
  • Use Power Frames to enhance or realign the mindset of mentees for greater accomplishments.
coaching mentoring for breakthrough success

Key Objectives

Successful completion of the course equips you with the use of advanced coaching and mentoring techniques that would help selected mentees and coaches achieve their breakthrough goals in work and life. (A breakthrough goal is a highly challenging stretched goal that would result in a quantum leap related to a person’s career and life achievements. The process of realizing a breakthrough goal ensures significant growth and development of a person).


  • Appreciate the value of a mentor coach that has the ability to mentor, coach and mentor other coaches.
  • Know when and how to synergize appropriate coaching and mentoring techniques under different circumstances for optimum results.
  • Assimilate and internalize The Coaching Principles (TCP) that is critical for professional mastery in coaching and how they are also useful in a mentoring relationship.
  • Use the Situational Coaching Model (SCM) to tap into the genius of a great coach.
  • Understand when and how to use Advanced Coaching Techniques (ACT) in the following areas and apply them in a coaching or mentoring relationship:
    1. Taking full responsibility for the results you produce
    2. Building self esteem, removing roadblocks and managing emotions
    3. Clarifying your life purpose and vision
    4. Setting effective goals and breakthrough goals
    5. Visualizing and affirming desired outcomes
    6. Planning for action and taking massive action
    7. Using feedback, learning and perseverance to your advantage
    8. Using the Law of Attraction and celebrating success
  • As a coach and mentor, engage in real live mentoring and coaching action to demonstrate mastery and receive feedback on value delivered, strengths and areas for improvement from a coachee, mentee and observer.
  • As a coachee and mentee, provide valuable feedback to your coach and mentor and gain valuable experience of being coached and mentored to fully appreciate what it is like.
  • As an observer of live coaching and mentoring in action, accurately distinguish areas for improvement from best practices of a true professional.
Learning Resources
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Learning Tools

Every participant is provided with ITD World coaching and mentoring tools, templates, techniques, exercises, learning action plan and constantly updated supplementary learning capsules.

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Learning Community

Participants can join the ITD World Coaches and Mentors group on social media to connect with like-minded individuals. Those who have completed the entire CCMP will form a community of certified professionals, resource persons, and Mentor-Coaches, with ITD World, to facilitate sharing, networking and continuous learning to enhance professional competencies.

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Learning Support

A designated Mentor-Coach is made available to participants to support them to complete their post-program assignments upon completing Phase 1 and 2 of the program. Participants are also encouraged to stay in touch with each other as well as the Course Leader.

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Phase 1 Certificate in Performance Coaching

Phase 2 Certificate in Advanced Coaching and Mentoring

Phase 3 Certified Coaching and Mentoring Professional (CCMP)

Comprehensive Assessment
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  1. Online assessment
    A comprehensive test of understanding at the end of each course plus individual achievement learning report
  2. Course Assignments
    Engage in role-plays, presentations, life coaching and mentoring sessions and assignments
  3. Coaching and Mentoring Projects
    To complete and submit a comprehensive report on results produced on actual coaching and mentoring sessions over a period of 120 days
  4. Continuous Learning and Professional Ethics
    Provide evidence of Continuous Professional Development (CDP) and conformance to professional ethics to continuously maintain high standards