ROSARRI is a senior experienced HR Director having held key roles most recently when she worked as National HR Director in Irelands largest employer, the Health Service Executive with 120,000 employees. Throughout her career she has held a number of senior leadership roles.
She is a passionate believer in maximizing sta� performance, sta� engagement and promoting the benefits of coaching and mentoring in the workforce. She was awarded ICF Ireland Business & Executive Coach of the Year in 2017 and led the health services to win the ICF Global Prism award in 2018. In 2018 she was awarded the Ireland HR Leader of the Year.
Rosarii is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, a qualified Mediator, Executive and Conflict Coach and holds a BA, HDip, MA and MSc and is currently pursuing a PhD. A global executive coach working at PCC level and leading a thriving international coaching practice. Author of “Live Your Life Above The Blades of the Blender”